Be sure to check

our calendar

for meetings and



Alaqua Lakes Ladies Association

2016-2017 Calendar



13 (Tue.)              Luncheon Meeting at Legacy Club – 11:30 a.m.

                            “Bearing the Facts” – Bear season is upon us!  Find out                                 from Stephannie Allen of Central Florida Zoo how to

                            co-exist successfully with the Florida black bear.

                            Meet the board and committee chairs and tell us what                                   you would like to see from our association.  Bring food                                   donations for local high school food pantries for

                            Families inTransition.



11 (Tue.)              Luncheon Meeting at Legacy Club – 11:30 a.m.

                           "What Holiday Stress?!"

                           Dr. Kay Julien, Conflict Management Counselor,

                           will give us tools to increase our personal strength

                           and confidence while navigating those inevitable

                           holiday-related stressful situations.

                           Hear about our exciting plans for the upcoming year. Bring                            your Sharing Center donation items and pick up a                                    child’s holiday gift request for Kids House of Seminole                                    County.


19 (Wed.)            Couples Dinner – Antonio’s (Maitland) – 6:00 p.m. A                               local favorite for Italian, fresh fish, steaks, pasta, and more.                 


24 (Mon.)            Ladies Day Out - Winter Park Boat Ride


                          Followed by lunch at Boca Market




No luncheon meeting this month.


9 (Wed.)              Fun For F.I.T. – Jesse’s Girl Boulevard Boutique (4044                           W. Lake Mary Blvd., Lake Mary)  

                          Drop in from 7:00  – 9:00 p.m. 

                          Join us for a fun evening of holiday shopping for apparel,                               jewelry, and gifts for you or someone you love. Enjoy wine,                             cheese, and great company at this posh and preppy                                       boutique.

                          Bring a friend – she’ll be glad you did!

                          Proceeds benefit F.I.T. - Families in Transition Thanksgiving                             and holiday meals for local high schools. 

                          For more info, contact Dianne Lyons,                                                                                                                        


16 (Wed.)            Ladies Lunch - Cheesecake Factory (Winter Park)                                      followed by Festival of Trees (Orlando Museum of Art).                             Meet at 11:30 for lunch at the always popular Cheesecake                             Factory then see the traditional holiday elegance of the                                 Festival of Trees.





6 (Tue.)               High Tea Holiday Luncheon at Heathrow -

                          11:30 AM

                          Enjoy a fabulous menu of salads, finger sandwiches,

                          quiche, potatoes au gratin, hot turkey sandwiches,

                          salmon, and desserts.  Bring a wrapped $20 gift for our

                          always-fun gift exchange.  Wear a hat, if you'd like. 


13 (Tue.)             Cookie Exchange at Gretchen Gregg’s home.

                          10:30 AM

                          The season is here and we are thinking cookies!!  Please

                          bring three dozen of your favorite home baked cookies

                          (and your recipe) to share with friends.  Tins will be 

                          provided for taking your cookies home.



 7 (Tues.)            Happy Hour at the Legacy Club


                          6:15-7:30 - Speaker - "Domestic Threat-Increasing our

                          Awareness in Turbulent Times"

                          Christopher Hinn, CEO/Managing Director, C-7

                          International LLC and former Senior Advisor, Middle

                          Eastern Affairs, Department of Homeland Security.

                          He has an extensive background in dignitary protection,

                          domestic terrorism, conflict resolution, and airline

                          security operations.  Don't miss this opportunity to hear

                          some timely information and ask questions!


14 (Tues.)            Valentine's Day Luncheon at the Legacy Club

                           11:30 AM


22 (Wed.)             Ladies Lunch - F & D Kitchen and Bar (Lake Mary) –                                12:00 noon.

                          “Food & Drinks” – serving only the best local fare, including                            coastal caught seafood, grass-fed beef, and farm-raised                                  poultry.



11 (Sat.)             Couples Dinner at Nonno's Italian Restaurant

                          (Altamonte Springs)



14 (Tues.)           Luncheon Meeting at Legacy Club - 11:30

                           "Women Who Mean Business PACE Themselves."

                          One of the challenges women have in common is

                          balancing the many components of our lives.

                          Cynthia Blackwell, Founder/CEO of Blackrain Partners,

                          will share how she faces each day with PACE - 

                          Planning, Activity, Communication, and Enthusiasm.



11 (Tues.)           Luncheon Meeting at Legacy Club - 11:30

                          "Five Love Languages" - Life coach and ALLA member

                          Debbie Damm will explain how recognizing the five

                          love languages will help improve our communication

                          with family, friends, and business associates.                          

27 (Thurs.)        Ladies Day Out - Lunch at Byte, a modern bistro

                         in Deland, followed by a tour of the historic

                         Stetson Mansion.



 9 (Tues.)            Luncheon Meeting at Legacy Club - 11:30

                          "It's Never Too Late!  Tips for Tweaking Your 

                          Financial Strategy."

                          ALLA member Alexa Sider Pao, of Eagle Strategies LLC,

                          will give us ideas about how to protect our wealth,

                          fund a grandchild's education, take advantage of

                          being a Florida resident, and other financial planning

                          tips.  We will also elect next year's ALLA leadership.

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