2011-2012 Calendar
November - 2011
17th, THURSDAY Noon - Lunch
Café Murano
309 Cranes Roost Blvd
Altamonte Springs
19th, SATURDAY Noon
Cheesecake Factory & Festival of Trees
Cheesecake Factory, Winter Park Village
Festival of Trees
Orlando Museum of Art
2416 North Mills Ave
Orlando 32803
December Events
2nd, FRIDAY 7:00 pm - Couples Bowling
280 Douglas Ave
Altamonte Springs
3rd, SATURDAY 1:00 - 3:00 pm - Cookie Exchange
Jane Wasyliw’s house
2019 Alaqua Lakes Blvd.
9th, FRIDAY 1:00 - 3:00 pm - Fired Up
(Pottery Making)
229 West Fairbanks (before Miller's Hardware)
Winter Park 32789
16th, FRIDAY Noon - Holiday Luncheon
Luigino’s Pkwy (Winn Dixie Shopping Center)
#140 Heathrow 32746
2012 Events
15th, Sunday - Blue Ribbon Event
Tea & Cookies
Blue Bow to show your support for Ladies Club.
12th, Thursday 9:15 am - Morse Museum & Lunch
Meet at the Pavillion (Evite forthcoming)
Bosphorous for lunch- 108 South Park Ave
18th, Wednesday 1:00 pm - Lunch at K Restaurant
Edgewater Dr, College Park'
TBA - Tour of Orchid Nursery
Meet at the Pavillion (Evite forthcoming).
3rd, Friday 10am - Table Extravaganza & Lunch
Greek Orthodox Church (Evite forthcoming)
Meet at the Pavillion
Lunch TBA
9th, Thursday - Lunch TBA
Baldwin Park on the Lake
14th, Tuesday Lunch Meeting
Noon at Legacy Club
16th, Thursday - Movie Night Out TBA
18th, Saturday - Dinner Pal Joeys
Altamone Springs
19th, Sunday 1:00 pm - Lunch TBA
25th, Wednesday - Dinner at the Legacy Club
6:30 pm - (Evite forthcoming).
8th, Thursday 1:00 pm - Lunch Truffles Grill
Winter Park Village
13th Tuesday Lunch Meeting
Noon at Legacy Club
12th, Monday - Bok Tower, Tour & Lunch
Meet at the Pavillion TBA (Evite forthcoming)
Blue Palmetto Cafe
Tour of Pinewood Estate Home
15th, Thursday - Movie Night Out TBA
17th, Saturday - Dinner Kress in Deland
TBA - Mt. Dora Tour, Boat Ride & Lunch
5th, Thursday 1:00 pm - Lunch Stones Throw Bistro
10th Tuesday Lunch Meeting
Noon at Legacy Club
12th, Thursday - Movie Night Out TBA
14th, Saturday - Dinner Armandos Winter Park
TBA - Stetson Mansion Tour & Lunch
8th Tuesday Lunch Meeting
Noon at Legacy Club
September Events
September 11, 2012
First General Meeting at the Legacy Club
"HEART TO HEART" Guest speaker Ellen Purcell CEO
One of our new charities.
This is an organization that assists in the rehabilitation of women who are in abused situations.
October Events
October 2, 2012
Tour of the new "Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center"!
"Arts for Every Life"
Barbara King will be organizing a tour of the new center!
Meet at the Legacy Club parking lot at 10:30am
Tour starts at 11am
Lunch to follow at the Rusty Spoon on Church Street.
October 9,2012
Second General Membership Meeting 11:30am
at the Legacy Club
"Let's Think Pink"
Guest speaker Audry Perryman Frederick, certified clinical thermographer.
We would everyone to wear pink!!!
Also guest speaker Marla Sullivan from the "New Hope Charity".
We will present the check from last years vendor day charity donations.
October 18, 2012 Thursday 7-9PM
461 East State Rd. 434 Longwood, Fl
Erin and Dan Nantais invite you to a "Culinary Cooking Event"@ Milcarsky's Appliance Centre"
WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO HIGHLIGHT THE "HEART TO HEART OUTREACH" charity that evening. Heart to Heart is one of our new charities this year that Kristy and Jane will be working with.
This is an organization that assists in the rehabilitation of women who are in abused situations, often with children.
CEO Ellen Purcell indicated they are in need of some essential items.
They can be dropped at the front door.
Any Household Cleaning Products(i.e. cleaning wipes, paper towels, dish detergent, etc.
Any Personal Hygiene Items (i.e. deodoerant, soap, toothpaste, tissues, etc.)
You are invited to view some amazing cooking demonstrations in the newly designed"Live Kitchen"
Watch how a fabulous dish is prepared in the "Wolf Convection Steam Oven" and see what "Induction" cooking is all about.
The evening will be filled with food preparation by "Chef Will"-everything from appetizers to desserts and of course lots of taste testing!
Enjoy the wine pairings for an array of dishes.
PLEASE RSVP BY OCTOBER 12 at enantais@cfl.rr.com cell 321-439-1107 home 407-333-0350
November 13, 2012
3rd General Meeting 11:30 at the Legacy Club
Christina McCombs. Holiday Decorating Tips!
Christina has decorated many of the homes in Alaqua Lakes.
She will be demonstrating how to decorate for the holiday.
Please visit her website at www.tinamarieinteriordesign.com 407-529-9332.
"BAGS OF HOPE"-this is the second new charity we will be raising money for this year. Guest speaker Rhonda Santolin.
DECEMBER 12, 2012
Holiday Party at the Westin 12-2 PM